Accessing veterinary care

Veterinarians on call 24/7


Office of the Campus Veterinarian

24-hour availability


8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Spokane only: 509-758-7825
All other campuses: 509-335-6246

If there is no answer, leave a message. Then call the after-hours line below.

After hours

5 p.m.–8 a.m. weekdays, weekends, and holidays
All campuses: 509-330-1871

You may be asked to leave a message with the following information:

  • Your name
  • Phone number where you can be reached
  • Nature of emergency
  • Others you have contacted about this situation
  • Location of the animal (include building and room/pen number)

Flag the cage/pen of the animal needing veterinary attention with a green vet check card. Request additional cards by calling 509-335-6246.

Notification requirements

Anytime an animal is found to be abnormal, notify the following individuals:

  • Principal investigator and/or research staff
  • Animal facility supervisor
  • Office of the Campus Veterinarian

Follow the Notification Protocol for Abnormal Behavior/Conditions in Research or Teaching Animals.

Veterinary care for WSU animals

Fax: 509-335-3162
Campus zip code: 1165

Procedure for accessing veterinary care for WSU animals (pdf)

Medical care for privately owned animals

Contact the WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital for emergencies and scheduled appointments.

Report animal care concerns

Please follow University guidelines when reporting concerns about the care and use of animals.