Animal housing & husbandry
Vivarium services
Integrated Vivarium Services (IVS), a unit within the Office of the Campus Veterinarian, provides animal care, housing and related support on the WSU Pullman Campus.
Program of Laboratory Animal Resources (PLAR) provides animal care, housing and related support at the WSU Spokane campus.
Rates and availability
Contact Integrated Vivarium Services (Pullman) or Program for Laboratory Animal Resources (Spokane).
How per diems are determined
For each species, housing per diems are based on an analysis of the costs attributable to caring for that species. The primary cost is labor, but all other costs such as feed, bedding, cleaning supplies, equipment, service contracts, etc. are included in the calculation.
Per diems are adjusted annually based on an updated analysis of incurred costs. For grant planning, estimate a 5% increase each year.
Centralization of services
On July 1, 2018, multiple animal facilities on the WSU Pullman campus made the transition to centralized management. Facilities report to the Office of the Campus Veterinarian within the Office of Research. On July 1, 2020, The WSU Health Sciences Spokane campus animal facilities (PLAR) also made the transition.
Ideas, questions, and concerns
You are welcomed and encouraged to contribute your ideas, desires, and concerns pertaining to management decisions. At any time, please feel free to contact the leaders of centralized services:
- Assistant Director of IVS
- Assistant Director of PLAR
- Director of the Office of the Campus Veterinarian
Users’ group
A group composed of faculty from various departments advises central management and provides input into management decisions.
For information, contact the assistant director of IVS or the assistant director of PLAR.
24-Hour Emergency
- All Campuses: 509-330-1871
- Report Animal Care Concerns